Ebola Virus Alert
We have found 49 results.

Several Americans Possibly Exposed to Ebola Virus
Group to be monitored in U.S. after potentially being exposed the deadly virus while in Africa.

Ebola: Health Officials Concerned About A Slowdown In Decline Pattern
World health organization has warned against complacency in the fight against the scourge. The UN agency says its important to maintain the robust response so as to get the number of cases to zero.

Mali Tries to Track 200 Contacts After New Ebola Cases
Mali is trying to trace at least 200 contacts linked to confirmed and probable Ebola victims in an effort to control its second Ebola outbreak, health officials said on Friday. An initial batch of contacts linked to a 2-year-old from Guinea who died from the deadly disease last month were close to t

CDC director: We’re ‘nowhere near out of the woods’ on Ebola
Hospital officials in Omaha, Nebraska, are preparing to treat a surgeon who was reportedly infected with the Ebola virus while treating patients in Sierra Leone, where the outbreak continues to be dire. In Liberia, infections rates seem to be slowing, but cases have emerged in Mali. Jeffrey Brown ge

CDC allowed Ebola-infected nurse to travel on Frontier
The second Dallas nurse diagnosed with Ebola shouldn’t have traveled on a commercial flight, said CDC director Tom Frieden. But the CDC has now confirmed that it gave Amber Vinson permission to return to Dallas by air after making a trip to Ohio.

Second nurse gets Ebola, flies on Frontier Airlines flight from Ohio to Texas
A second nurse who has contracted Ebola after treating deceased Ebola patient, Thomas Eric Duncan, flew on a commercial flight from Cleveland to Dallas after developing a slight fever. According to the director of the CDC, Dr. Tom Friedan, Amber Joy vinson should not have been flying.
Vinson flew to

Frontier Airlines plane carried 2nd US Ebola patient from Cleveland to Dallas
Frontier Airlines plane carried 2nd US Ebola patient from Cleveland to Dallas

Passengers sat three feet from Ebola patient
Two men who sat near Ebola patient Amber Vinson on a plane decided to self-quarantine.

Obama Fights Ebola’s Political Fallout
The fear of Ebola has become a political factor in the United States, where President Barack Obama’s Democratic Party is fighting to retain control of the Senate in congressional elections next month. VOA White House correspondent Luis Ramirez reports the one fatality from Ebola on U.S. soil and t

What does the Ebola czar need to do?
Ron Klain, the president’s pick to coordinate the Ebola response, has been criticized for not having a background in public health. To assess the challenges and criticism facing Klain, Judy Woodruff talks to Pamela Cipriano of the American Nurses Association and Dr. Amesh Adalja of the Infectious

Dallas lab worker quarantined on cruise ship
A Dallas hospital worker is quarantined on a cruise ship after possible contact with Ebola lab samples.

Hospitals preparing to deal with Ebola patients
Hospitals around the Susquehanna Valley are ramping up in case a patient suspected of having Ebola virus would show up. Subscribe to WGAL on YouTube for more: http://bit.ly/1lIwU2e
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CDC Confirms Dallas Woman Positive for Ebola
The CDC confirmed Sunday that a healthcare worker in Dallas tested positive for Ebola, the first contracted case in the U.S. They said the cause might be from a breach in protocol by staff, while nurses say it’s about a lack of proper training. (Oct. 12)
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First Ebola patient in the US dies
A Spanish nurse, the 1st person to contract Ebola in Europe, has said she is slowly feeling better and is being held in quarantine at a hospital in Madrid.

Patient In DC Quarantined Over Ebola Concerns
This is the second reported case in the United States. CBS 2’s Marlie Hall has more.